Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Promotion at Concorde, Shah Alam

Yesterday, I was at the hotel for a promotional activity by JTM. The event was put-together by PSMB, a KSM arm, and was quite a success, judging by the turn-out and response from participants.

in front of the JTM booth

The talk I love most was the Communication segment by Jackson Ng, one of the country's best speakers. Hm, he managed to put some fresh ideas into the participants, though I'm familiar with all of them (from jokes and self-help articles I read on the net), seeing them in action, and enjoyed by the participants was something else altogether.

The booth was manned by the HQ staff like Yati, Hazim n... hm, forgot his name... from ADTEC, there were Mira, Zura n me... We were in familiar territory, for right in front of our booth was ILPKL's, and right next to it was JTK. Behind us was PTPKN, next to it was CIAST, well.. pretty familiar people... even met Yati of JPK. It's booth was quite far away, but.. familiar faces...

That's Yati attending to some queries
visitors to JTM's booth

The best part was (of course!) the souvenir-huntingg from the other booths, and the best ones have to be the bright-orange umbrella from leanapplied, and the book mark from ILPKL. I was at leanapplied earlier, but didn't get any umb. so, when I saw Hazim n others came back with it, Mira, Zura n me dashed over quickly. Guess what? even En Zuraka was hot on our heels...

So, it was kinda happy day for ereyone. Mission accomplished, even managed to strike some friendship with Yati (hq), Amy n Yat (ilpkl) n even Keane from MIT. That reminds me, I have to email him!

other booths

Mira n Zura giving their best smiles

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