Friday, September 19, 2008

Penultimate week with the AMT 1/2007 kids

Penultimate - 2nd to last!

Meaning, I only got i more week left to 'savour' them. With the 2 weeks gone like that when I was down with ch-pox, I really was in a rush to finish lectures and grade their presentations.

Well, I'd just like to say sthg here about their performance. Hm, I was kinda pleased with some of them. In fact, quite a few have 'mastered' the art of public speaking... cos' there were times when I felt like slapping those finger-pointing antics of them, or straightening their postures, or asking them to make eye contact, bla, bla.. but I am to say that some have improved a lot!

I remember when the AV2 class went quite during Jackson's presentation - gosh, it was such an interesting topic! The next one is Kean Yong's. Even Ms. Rose who made a presence was impressed. So far, I feel that the 'coolest' presenters are Zizan, Muhaimin n Jeremy.

Hence, after almost everyone has presented, the top 5 are : Jackson, Kean Yong, Muhaimin, Jeremy, & surprise, Masduqi! Zizan didn't make it as he 'lost' out on a mere 0.5 marks, similar to Amin & Frank... all the best people!

Monday, September 8, 2008

down with chicken pox

Dear students, if you're reading this, please inform others that I'm now forced to quarantine myself at home, for fear of infecting others... It's not that I enjoy staying home, truth be told, cos I can't do things I love - teach u guys... u know, being a 'dictator' in class - where u have to dictate what I say... the boss is ALWAYS right, remember?

And of course, the itch is no fun at all. I've taken the expensive medication to 'kill' the virus or whatever thingy they call it, but it hasn't killed them all. The thing it's done is that it has sort of reduced the number of spots, but some still break out every day... like yesterday, only 3 spots, but today, 6 spots... gosh! The itch is killing me!

What I'm worried of is the classes that might not get replaced - some of you haven't presented ur final project, and my lectures on communication n interviews haven't finished... I pray that this thing will really. really go away next week...

Til then, be good dear kids!!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Pak Samad Ismail is no more...

Al Fatihah.
Pak Samad telah kembali ke rahmatullah pada jam 5.58 petang tadi di Hospital Pantai Kuala Lumpur. Jenazah Allahyarham akan dibawa pulang ke rumahnya di No 2 Jalan 16/7C, Petaling Jaya dan akan dikebumikan pada hari esok, selepas solat Jumaat.
Semoga Allah SWT mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh Allahyarham.

Jika disorot kembali sejarah era penjajahan, tidak boleh dinafikan sama sekali perjuangan beliau menentang penjajahan Jepun dan British melalui Kesatuan Melayu Muda, disusuli peranan beliau mendrafkan Perlembagaan Rakyat bersama-sama Pak Sako dan Ahmad Boestamam.
(dari DSAI's blogspot)